Fiddle Life Online
Learn to play the fiddle or cello-fiddle
Are you ready to fulfill your dream of playing an instrument? Get ready to be whisked into a new world of your own abilities.  Absolute Beginners and Intermediate players are welcome to learn from the Wires String Duo.
SIGN UP NOWAll the tools and guidance to start playing tunes right away!
Have you ever wanted to learn how to fiddle? We specialize in teaching two types of adults: Absolute Beginners and Intermediate Players who are ready to dust off their instruments.
As musicians, we have spent our lives learning how to play across different fiddle genres from around the world. In our program we share everything we know in a clear and supportive teaching style.
There's no need to read music or memorize it. You don't even have to know how to hold a bow! We take the time to make sure you learn and progress with confidence.
Start fiddling right away!
Sign up on this page or Contact:
[email protected]
All Levels of Classes Included!
How it works
Once you sign up you get access to several courses including Absolute Beginner, Celtic Tunes, Blue Grass, Old-Time, Romany and more!  You will work at your own pace using the videos and PDF's of sheet music found within the website. After you complete the Absolute Beginner course you can move onto tunes ranked as level 2. Move on up from there at your own pace. If you have questions or requests you can email your teachers directly for a quick response.
Absolute Beginner Level
Never played before? Not a problem! We will teach you proper technique so that you will have a solid foundation to play any type of music your heart desires. We also show you how to use sheet music with fingerings and string names so you don't have to memorize.
Intermediate Level
Dust off your instrument, choose your favorite genre and jump right in. We teach tunes by practicing WITH you rather than showing you quickly and expecting you to figure it out. We also dive into historical context and regional styles to help preserve the cultural integrity.

Absolute Beginner
Online, Absolute Beginner Course:
All levels are included!
We start with teaching you how to properly hold the instrument, get it tuned, and make a pleasant sound. Then we teach you how to play tunes. One skill is introduced at a time so you progress steadily. We've streamlined learning so that you don't have to make big leaps in technique from tune to tune. You'll be thoroughly engaged as you will start playing right away.
What you get:
- Step by step instructional videos starting with how to properly hold the instrument and get a good sound.
- We start at the VERY beginning. Â You can learn the first tune "Boil 'em Cabbage" in the first day.
- Tune cheat sheets! Don’t worry, you don’t need to learn how to read music. I will teach you a combination of learning by ear plus using a cheat sheet so you don’t have to memorize anything.
- Videos continually added to keep you progressing.
- Email access to your instructors for quick feedback and response.
Intermediate Beginner
Online, Experienced Beginners / Intermediate:
All levels are included!
You will learn a variety of tunes in different styles, focusing on one style every two months.
What you get:
- Instructional videos of one tune/week
- Lesson videos that teach the notes of the tune at a slow and methodical pace.
- Advanced lesson videos to on how to make it sound stylistically fiddly.
- Slow tempo videos to practice with.
- Performance videos of the instructors playing arrangements of the tunes at a faster tempo.
- Sheet music with fingerings.
- Bonus Videos for learning specific fiddle techniques.

I love Laurel Parks!
She changed my life! I had always dreamed of playing music in a band, and performing in front of large crowds, but my extreme stage fright held me back from this dream. Laurel provided me with the perfect tools and methods to overcome this. I was shocked at how quickly my performance anxiety melted away with her help. I highly recommend Laurel Parks to cure your performance anxiety. She is magical and will transform you. I am so very thankful that I am now living my dream as a full-time performing musician!

I love Drunken Fiddles! Laurel is very welcoming and makes the classes enjoyable. The videos are so informative and you can do them at your own pace. You also get to share the with other group members in the on-line gatherings. I'd recommend this class to anyone who wants to have fun and learn to play the fiddle!

One takeaway from all this time of self-reflection during Quarantine is that I love music and I love playing my violin. I loved it before quarantine, but the time I’ve had to practice has been good for my soul. It’s taught me that it’s never too late to try something new or return to something you once loved. It also makes me forget about the bad things in this world. It restores my peace. Also grateful for my @drunkenfiddles family that I can still zoom with each week too!
What type of students do best in your program?
What if I have never played an instrument before?
Where do I get an instrument?
What instruments are taught?
What if I don't read music?

I have to tell you how impressed I am with these online lessons. I just love them! I love how you present everything listening and watching you play, and I really look forward to practicing everyday. I was a little skepticalabout taking the online classes but they're working out really well. Fewer and fewer squeeks every day, lol. I've always wanted to play the violin, I'm 62 years old and this has been a real treat. Excited to try an in person workshop again. Thank you so much!!

These videos are great and this website and its usability is fantastic. Nicely done!

I love your classes, and these special topic sessions like the ear training. The classes are honestly some of the best instruction I've ever had, and the ear training is perfect for what I'd like to accomplish with the fiddle.
About your instructors
In addition to teaching, Laurel Parks and Sascha Groschang make up the Wires - an original modern string duo that composes music inspired by a variety of world styles. Both instructors collaborate on course material. Make sure you check out the Wires to hear styles and techniques headed your way!
Listen to The WiresKeep In Touch
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Need a Fiddle? No Problem!
It's easy! Rent a violin on a monthly basis. Contact one of our partners below. Both shops ship nationally.

Wyatt Violin Shop
[email protected]

KC Strings
[email protected]